Increasing Food Security Through Community-Based Projects
1) Desbrisay Park, a central location in downtown Charlottetown. This Park is located adjacent to a community garden, is accessible to many City residents, near many members of the Newcomer’s Association and close to several schools. In 2017, funding for this project was provided by Tree Canada. The objective was to provide an alternate, local food source for City residents and increase awareness of urban agriculture and food security.
2) Windsor Park, a newer area of Charlottetown that is growing quickly and has many families with young children. The fruit tree species and varieties were chosen carefully, based on research, site conditions and consultations with other local community gardens. The fruit trees were sourced regionally and were planted using permaculture techniques. This project was also funded by Tree Canada in 2017.
3) Orlebar Park, funded by Tree Canada in 2018, this park became home to an edible orchard planting just north of the playground and Orlebar Street entrance. Cherry and apple trees were planted in addition to edible bushes such as blueberry and haskap.

Goals of the edible orchards:
• Move the City’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan forward.
• Develop a sustainable source of food for Charlottetown residents which is accessible and in areas where there is a need (lower income, new families, Newcomers, etc.).
• Provide food and habitat for urban wildlife. Fruit not gleaned by residents will provide a “natural” source of food for wildlife.
• Increase the amount of urban agriculture in Charlottetown to counteract the food insecurity issue faced by many residents.
• Offer some gleaning opportunities to residents as well as to non-profit groups who glean and supply food to those in need.
• Reach as many residents as possible with the message that there is local, high quality food available in our parks.
• Build stronger City partnerships with residents and local groups such as the Desbrisay Community Gardens, the PEI Food Exchange, the Newcomer’s Association and others.
• Educate people about how to properly plant and care for fruit trees and other edible tree and shrub species.
• Provide environmental benefits such as: regulating soil and air temperatures, buffering winds, providing shade, preventing soil erosion, storing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, cleaning pollutants from the air and water and more.
• Increase the diversity of tree and shrub species in Charlottetown's urban forest.