Waste Reduction Week

Waste Reduction Week

Thank you for another successful Waste Reduction Week! Learn more about last year's Waste Reduction Week 2023 schedule below!

Waste Week Calendar

  • Charlottetown Tool Library Incentive
    Date: Monday, October 16 to Sunday, October 22
    Website: https://forms.gle/snXR2T2f9cdKC5aP7
    Details:  All yearly memberships purchased from the Charlottetown Tool Library will be half price, costing only $25! Only purchases made during Waste Reduction Week will qualify. Register here


  • Virtual Film Screenings
    Date: Monday, October 16 to Sunday, October 22
    Website: https://wasteweekfilm.eventbrite.com
    Details: The City of Charlottetown and Happy Ocean have teamed up to offer virtual film screenings of Plastic Is Forever and Everything Connects. These short films are part of the video series called “Kids Can Save the Planet”, created by Dylan D’Haeze. Register using the Eventbrite link to get access to the short films. The film links will only be accessible during Waste Reduction Week.


  • Second-hand Stores Incentive
    Date: Tuesday, October 17
    Details: Shop at one of these local second-hand stores today and receive a special discount or perk as part of Waste Reduction Week!

    Thank you to the participating local stores for helping the community to reduce textile waste!

  • Battery Recycling Drive
    Date: Wednesday, October 18
    Details: Are you looking to get rid of your old household batteries? Recycle them at the Call2Recycle dropbox located at the front of City Hall on Wednesday, October 18 and you could win a prize provided by Call2Recycle!

    Can’t make it on October 18? Use Call2Recycle’s website to find your closest battery drop-off location! Batteries contain harmful chemicals that can contaminate the soil and water if not disposed of properly. These drop off boxes provide an opportunity for individuals to safely recycle their used single-use and rechargeable household batteries including: AA, AAA, C, D, and 9-volt. 

  • Fix It Fair
    Date: Saturday, October 21
    Details: The Fix It Fair will be held at the Charlottetown Library Learning Centre on Saturday, October 21 from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm. This free event will include a Repair Café, workshops, and information booths. To learn more, click here


Waste Reduction Resources:

Waste Reduction Week in Canada focuses on 7 themes: circular economy, textile waste, e-waste, plastic waste, food waste, sharing economy, and swap and repair. For more information on each of the Waste Reduction Week themes, see the links along the sidebar.