There is a growing body of evidence that implicates pesticide exposure to the increased occurrence of cancers and other serious health conditions. As many other municipalities across Canada and Prince Edward Island have done, Charlottetown has chosen to restrict the use of cosmetic-pesticides that may threaten human health or the environment, as a precautionary measure.
What is the bylaw?
As of January 1st, 2017 the City of Charlottetown’s Cosmetic Pesticide Bylaw came into effect. The bylaw restricts the application of non-domestic pesticides for the control of pests within the municipality.
Who does the bylaw apply to?
The bylaw applies to Charlottetown residents and businesses seeking commercial application of non-domestic pesticides.
Municipalities have been granted the authority by the Province of PEI to regulate non-domestic pesticides, which are those applied by a commercial applicator.
The province will continue to regulate the use of non-domestic pesticides on agriculture land, golf courses, forests, and on or inside buildings, along with all domestic pesticide products.
Homeowners can continue to purchase products from local retailers to apply themselves or can continue to work with licensed applicators who can work within the bylaw to provide ongoing service.
The current bylaw provides for an exception in the case of an insect infestation. The homeowner or applicator must pay a $50 administration fee with their application for an exception and prove the infestation meets the threshold outlined in the bylaw.
Similar to other bylaws, it will be enforced by responding to complaints. There are penalties for non-compliance as outlined in Section 7 of the bylaw.