The Charlottetown Water and Sewer Utility requires all flat-rate customers to switch to metered service. The goal is to protect the City's water supply and reduce overall consumption in Charlottetown.
To make the switch easier on Utility customers, the City has launched a Residential Water Meter Installation Program. Residential meters will be provided and installed for existing flat-rate customers who are connected to water and sewer in the Capital City.
Charlottetown City Council awarded the contract for this program to Bevan Bros. Plumbing and Heating at its regular monthly meeting in July, 2015 at a cost of $1.2 million.
Book an Appointment Today
Meter installation is free with evening and weekend appointments are available. Unmetered residents will be subject to a $250 per quarter surcharge until such time as a meter is installed on their property.
To make an appointment contact Bevan Brothers Plumbing and Heating or call 902-368-3456.
Testimonials - What Our Customers Are Saying About Their Water Meters
"It really makes you a lot more conscious of the water you use when you're paying by the gallon. It has changed the way we use water in our home." J.R., Sherwood
"The motivation for me was definitely saving money. While there were some costs upfront, our water bill has gone down about 20 per cent." Mark Robertson, Brighton
"The greatest thing for us was the savings. We've saved about $100 this year. I let other people know how well it worked out for us and that it might for them as well." C. Bell, Charlottetown
"We wanted to make the switch to a meter because we thought it was a great way for us to take responsibility for the water we use. Paying less was a bonus, and we did save about 25 per cent less on our water bill last year." The Wilsons, Downtown Charlottetown
Additional Information
For more information about the Charlottetown Water and Sewer Utility, visit: Water Reports
Learn more about Conservation Tips and Programs
Contact the Water and Sewer Utility Department.