The University Avenue Master Plan is a long-term document which lays out the City’s vision for one of its most important corridors. This plan sets a bold reimagination of how University Avenue between Belvedere Avenue and Euston Street functions for pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, how it looks, and ultimately, how it will continue to serve the City and its residents and businesses into the future.
The plan has four primary objectives:
- Improve safety along the corridor for all roadway users;
- Improve active transportation infrastructure;
- Improve aesthetics (e.g., providing more green space); and,
- Improve traffic flow.
To meet these objectives, the significant upgrades to infrastructure in the area will occur, including the installation of a multi-use paved pathway along the entire length of the road segment, upgrades to existing sidewalks and pedestrian crossings, upgrades to existing signalized intersections and the construction of new ones, installation of concrete medians to separate opposing traffic in some areas, the addition of grassed medians, boulevards as well as other green spaces for trees, and upgrades to street lighting along the corridor. This work is proposed to be undertaken over the course of a six-phase approach.
As it stands, the plan has been tentatively accepted by City Council, however the City wishes to gain further feedback from residents, and intends to host an ‘open house’ style drop in event later in January 2023, at which time residents will be able to view the plan and renderings, speak with the engineers and City staff involved with the project, and ask questions about the plan. The feedback and suggestions garnered from this event will be compiled, and the City will work to include them in the final version of the plan.