About the Purple Ribbon Taskforce
The Purple Ribbon Taskforce was formed in 2001 after a case of domestic violence in our community ended in tragedy. The City's goal ever since has been to spread awareness of the impacts of family violence and stress the importance of prevention.
Make it Your Business
With the support and vision of the City of Charlottetown Mayor's Purple Ribbon Taskforce, Family Violence Prevention Services has launched a new video series that takes aim at family violence in public places and work environments.
The "Make it Your Business" video series offers brief, practical examples of how to recognize signs of family violence and safely take action. The videos were written and produced in Charlottetown and are designed for workplace training and educating the public. They cover common kinds of violence that bystanders might witness such as sexual assault, abuse of older adults, child abuse, online harassment, or verbal abuse in a public place.
The $45,000 project was funded by the City of Charlottetown and the Province of PEI, through the Interministerial Women's Secretariat, the Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention, and the PEI Seniors' Secretariat. Other major in-kind and funding partners included the PEI Union of Public Sector Employees, Stratford Quick Stop, Intact Insurance, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (PEI), and the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, with smaller contributions from Biovectra, PEI Man Up! and Justice Options for Women. The Mayor's Purple Ribbon Task Force also relied on in-kind support from the PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre, Island Chaplaincy, and the provincial Family Violence Prevention and Community Development Coordinator.
The videos, along with the scenario scripts, training material and other resources are available at on the Family Violence Prevention website at: www.fvps.ca/makeityourbusiness/.
Talk About It
Additional Links and Resources
Members of the Taskforce
The Mayor's Task Force meets regularly at City Hall to consult with the Mayor on matters related to family violence and other relationship abuse, and to coordinate activities and projects. Members include: Mayor and City staff representatives, PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre, PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Interministerial Women's Secretariat, Provincial Community Chaplaincy, and the PEI Family Violence Prevention Consultant.
Purple Ribbon Campaign

City Vehicle Decals
Reissue of 6 x 12 in decals for all City of Charlottetown vehicles
4 x 8 ft signs in city rinks
Reissue of 4 x 8 ft signs in city rinks
Peace Begins at Home removable vinyl bumper stickers and window decals "Peace Begins at Home: Help End Family Violence" bumper and window decals are available to the public at no charge
Lapel Pins: 1/2 x 1 in lapel pins with loop to tie purple ribbon available to the public at no charge
Past Initiatives

- Mayor's Challenge 2006: volunteers built a beautiful Gazebo with emergency
- safety features in Queen Elizabeth Park (off North River Road)
- Annual support for PEI ACSW Annual Purple Ribbon Campaign
- Presentation at the World Forum on Urban Development, BC, June 2006
The City of Charlottetown has been recognized for its exemplary work in the area of violence prevention in 2002 when it received the Equality Recognition Award, coordinated by the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, and in 2000 when it received the Women in International Cities Crime Safety Award.
Taskforce Initiatives
The City of Charlottetown has organized several projects and initiatives to increase awareness including:
- Ongoing Family Violence Prevention Training for members of the taskforce, City Staff and Councillors.
- Roundtable discussions and renowned guest speakers to speak about family violence, resources for those effected by family violence, and ways the community can help.
- The Purple Ribbon awareness campaign included:
- Vehicle decals, lapel pins, static window decals distributed to local businesses, distribution of purple ribbon flags, creation of the Peace Begins at home logo
- Internationally recognized campaign now used by other municipalities across the country
- Golf tournament fundraiser
- Family Violence Prevention Week skate
- Mayor's challenge: Building for Safety - promoted awareness amongst men and boys and had volunteers build a gazebo at Queen Elizabeth Park
- City safety audit which included a safety review of Victoria Park, the Confederation Trail, and City's parking garages
- Involved in the annual Walk in Silence event. The City also hosts an annual reception for those who participate in the Walk in Silence event.
- Presentations and speaking opportunities on the topic, including at the World Forum on Urban Development
- Work in partnership with the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, the Charlottetown Police, Transition House Association of PEI, the PEI Government Family Violence Prevention Consultant and have also worked with the PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Crisis Centre (all have had members on the taskforce)
- Materials distributed annually to continue the promotion of the Purple Ribbon Campaign Against Violence
- Distribution of contact information and other resources for those dealing with family violence or for those who know someone dealing with family violence
- The City has been recognized for its work in the area of violence prevention with the Equality Recognition Award from the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women and the Women in International Cities Crime Safety Award.
- Monthly meetings with taskforce members and partners to discuss upcoming initiatives and promotions
PEI Family Violence Prevention Week
To recognize PEI Family Violence Prevention Week, a free presentation was held at the Rodd Charlottetown last February. Information was shared by Charlottetown Police Services, the Mayor's Purple Ribbon Taskforce, the Province's family violence prevention and community development coordinator, and a PEI Legal Aid Lawyer.
Family Violence Presentation (click here)
Walk In Silence for Victims of Domestic Violence
The fourth annual Walk In Silence for Victims of Domestic Violence was held in February 2013. The walk and reception were designed to raise awareness about family violence and make a symbolic gesture to family violence victims that they are not alone - help and support is available. Participants were given purple ribbons to wear in support the Purple Ribbon Campaign Against Violence.
For more information or to learn more about the Purple Ribbon Taskforce, contact: 902-566-5548.
To view the 2013 Powerpoint Presentation from PEI Family Violence Prevention Week click here
*Photos Gallery from the Family Violence Prevention Presentation & the Walk in Silence